Die Heuwels Fantasties is back with a brand new single to bid farewell to 2016.
Hunter Kennedy (bassist, co-lyricist and backing vocalist for Die Heuwels Fantasties) says that LED Liefde is about longing. “During the festive season there are many people who can’t be with their loved ones. Modern technology offers bitter-sweet contact. Even though you can connect with them and see them on your LED screens, it doesn’t do much to curb your homesickness.”
Hiram Koopman joins Die Heuwels Fantasties on this song. “He brings some bounce with his unique saxophone playing,” says Hunter. Hiram will feature on a few of the tracks on the new album that will be released in 2017.

LED Liefde is available on iTunes, Google Play and Groot Tunes.
A lyric music video for LED Liefde will be released on the 5th of December 2016.
Hunter says that this will be Die Heuwels Fantasties’ first lyric video. “We feel that the concept ties in with the technological theme. We are excited to see what bewilder.tv comes up with.”
LED Liefde - Lyrics
ek sien jou net op my skerms
LED liefde is hartseer
ek sien jou net op my skerms
digitale heimweë
eendag as als kalmeer het
vir nou net LED liefde
ons LED liefde
is hartseer
in hierdie oomblik
ek wil nie my oë knip
en sien jy het weggeglip
als gebeur so vinnig
so vinnig
jy moet weet
'n mens sou sweer
ek's nooit by die huis nie
as ek daar aankom slaap jy
soengroet in die oggend
vinnig in die oggend